Ignite Hope NEEDS YOU!

Every Kid is One Caring Adult away from being a Success Story!
Imagine a world where every kid has a family.
Imagine a world where cycles of poverty and drug addiction are broken.
Imagine a world where 70% of Foster kids aren't Trafficked or Imprisoned.
The difference between a statistic and a success story- IS YOU!
You can be a kids DADD! (Dollar A Day Donor)
Not everyone is called to foster and adopt but in God's kingdom we are called to do something!
How can a Dollar a Day make a Kingdom Impact?
Please let me reveal to you that there are 300 Christians for every 1 Foster child.
HEY that's a bunch of people who God has already called to support children and their families!!! -Exactly!
James 1:27(NIRV) Here are the beliefs and way of life that God our Father accepts as pure and without fault. When widows are in trouble, take care of them. Do the same for children who have no parents. And don’t let the world make you impure.
1- Support the families who are already fostering and adopting. Without a community to support, pray and encourage these families their journey can easily get derailed leaving another child to wonder if they are WANTED OR LOVED.
2- Support our efforts to change the laws keeping kids in Foster Care for 4-5-6 years! God has honored our prayer to Lift the Voice of the Modern Orphan and allowed Ignite Hope to have the ear of Federal and State lawmakers as they seek to find answers to a broken child welfare system. Getting these laws changed is a 5-10 year process that we are committed to, but we can't do it alone! There will be many days at the State Capitol and Travel to Washington D.C., please consider joining us on this journey through a monthly donation.
3- Support the plan to partner with 15 churches(in 2020) in Atlanta area. We will strategically identify 15 churches, create a partnership, then we will provide trauma based parent training, prayer support training, education materials and recruitment of new foster and adoptive families and the support teams that will create SUCCESS STORIES for KIDS THAT NEED A LOVING HOME!
For less than a cup of coffee at your typical fast food establishment - YOU can bring HOPE to a CHILD IN NEED OF A LOVING HOME!
Not Possible you say! It is Possible we say - Because God says Nothing is impossible with Him!
1) >For $1 a day($30)- Your spare change will provide support for one family walking out a adoptive/foster or kinship care journey for a month.
2) >For $2 a day($60) - Your support will fuel our Advocacy in Action Program for one Month. You will be a Champion for Kids in Care (foster/adoption) Raising Their Voice to State and Federal lawmakers to change the laws keeping kids from loving families.
3) >For $3 a day($90)- You can share God's instructions "to take care of children who have no parents" (James 1:27) with 15 churches in 2020 and utilize the size of each congregation to provide homes, prayer warriors, and emotional, financial, meal support to the families investing in children's lives.
Join us in exposing the evil that is trying to ruin the children that shape our future.
You are invited you be the spark that Ignites Hope.
Take a first step by saying “Yes!” to becoming an Ignite Hope “ DADD” (Dollar a Day Donor). You will change a life - and the life you change...just might be yours!
We are grateful and excited to welcome you on this journey...of HOPE!